I have a Boutique here in Florida (lushikcouture.com), but most seem to like inexpensive stores, which is not a bad thing. My daughter just recently purchased a shirt from a certain store the other night. I won't knock them, but what I will say, their clothing is not for women with extra curves. I say that, because the material is not of good quality. After a few washes its faded or rips! But on the bright side, cheap priced clothing will get you to where you need to go and you can look reasonable if you put it together correctly.
Have you ever stood behind someone or noticed someone wearing a garment and you can easily spot where they purchased it from? Usually the fabric is so thin that you can see every dimple and thongs the woman is wearing. I believe that this is where this new trend started with the mesh. Women are embracing that see through look! I'm pretty sure men are too!
Now this where I flip the script! I was talking with a friend (male) and we were discussing fashion. He told me that he always loved taking me out or seeing me, because I was always put together. He stated that he went on a date with a young lady and he was thrown off the whole date, because she didn't look the part. He took her to an expensive restaurant and he was dressed to the nines, but she had on a very cheaply made sundress. Of, course I was pissed, because I was thinking, maybe that was all she had. He said no! And Corrected me before I could say anything. He stated that she had a job making over $80,000 per year. No children in the home. They all are grown. It's just her. She travels all the time etc etc. He stated that she felt she didn't need to spend a lot of money on clothes. His plea was, when you go on a date, your job is to make a great first impression. He shouldn't be walking you through the door and look down and actually see your butt cheeks and thongs. We got to have taste and class. I understood him more when he explained. It's okay to buy what you can afford, if its Rainbow or whomever.
What I do, I have a few outfits that are not that expensive that I got from Bealls Outlet (b4 i opened my store). If i'm going on a date, I have a few dresses that are expensive, some I paid full price, others I got on sale and I wear that. Of course I change it up with accessories!
Men are visual and trust me they do know quality and they know fraud as well.
As a boutique owner its very important for me to choose clothing that's of good quality. We have to show our little girls how a woman carries herself at all times. When you have more weight or hips it stretches the fabric. Remember that when choosing to purchase garments.
I was looking at a video the other day, where this chick was talking about how she hates that men call
her thick when she knows she is fat!!! I'm like what the hell is wrong with that! I think that people are taking this label shit out of control!
Per Hollywood, anybody over 100lbs is considered fat and If you are over 108lbs you are damn near obese. Ladies we got to take us back! Be who the hell you want to be and don't let anyone's opinions or status dictate who you are! Stop co-signing these men that are degrading other women or disrespecting other women, cause at the end of the day, you are what they are calling them.
Everyone knows when a person is called "fat" is usually to poke fun at that person. So what is it called when a person chooses to call themselves that? Just like I changed my blog name to "FatCilla!" It's what i'm usually called or if someone is trying to get someone to remember me, they be like "Oh you know who I'm talking about, Fat Cilla with two kids!"
I say embrace the shit! It doesn't make you or breae up! It really depends on how you take it. You make others put some respek on your name!!!!
So I'm at this pivotal point in my life where change is necessary. We get to a place in life where we say, "If I don't make this change my soul will die." Have you ever been there? It's like you set out to accomplish a goal. Everything from the beginning to the end is mapped out. You thought of ever scenario and you them embark on that plan. Then next think you know the rug is pulled out from under you and life begins to have its way with you. Then you are left crying, upset, and questioning the existence of our creator. You are alone and you have no one to turn too. What do you do?
Now this is the time where you see who can handle what? You may have someone try to drown out their sorrows with drugs or alcohol. You may have someone check out on life. You may have someone attempt to take there own lives. You may have someone take someone else's life. Most, either wither away and go into a deep depression or they fight for what they believed in.
See I've tried A-Z!!! I decided that i'm fighting for what I believe in! You made that goal. Go back and look at your list. See what you listed, check off what you accomplished. The things you have not accomplished or failed at, go back and write down why didn't that work. Next, ask yourself "What can I do to make it work?" That's when you consult with God first. He already knows the answer, truthfully He should have been contacted first! But consult Him and don't give up. Keep pushing beyond measures, you will make it. CHANT: I will make!! (smile) You may need to look at your surroundings and see what's holding you back. Maybe your friends you had from childhood may not be measuring up to where you are trying to go. Put your faith first. You Second. Husband and Kids Third. Your Business next and everyone else.
I know must people would say no my momma or daddy is first or second. Your momma and daddy already had a good life. You cannot be nothing to yourself or your family, if you don't keep divisions out of it! Morally, yes you take care of your parents and everyone else, but you have a responsibility to God, your spouse and your children. Therefore you become first,after God. You cannot take care of anyone else until you take care of you. That's where i'm at! In so many words, Fuck everybody else!!!! I gave them all that I can give!!
You have to take chances in life. What's out there for you? As a curvy woman people expect you to be subdue, depressed, over eaters, lazy, funky, good for nothings. Are you that?
We should be some of the most strongest people in the world. But at times we can display weakness to other people who are classified as strong because they are fit. Strength comes from the type of heart you have. You have to be confident in everything, especially be confident in how your look.
Many times I walked out the door without makeup, or not looking my best, because i'm just going to the store. Then I dread running into someone I know because I don't want them to see how I look. You ever felt that? Like shit, let me just throw this on and go get my bonbons and be back home.
If you ever felt that way then you are the type of person that cares about your appearance.
Curvy women need to portray themselves as confident and goal oriented women. There is this stigma that all curvy women are freaks and overly sexual and that we are into showcasing out bodies and we are easy women that give it up easily. Hell naw, i'm nothing like that. I don't date now, because its frustrating having to always tell a man, no i'm not sending u a sexy pic. Fellas there are some women that care and have morals.
Come on ladies we have to do better in out community.
“BOLD!” Do something you have never done or wear something
you have never worn. God created us to be bold and fierce; He did not create us
to be stagnant or fearful. Last week was a hell of a week for me. I aired out
my dirty laundry on Facebook. I mean from the rootie to the tootie! I was on
the verge of giving up, But God stepped in! Instantly! And told me that I am
now free! People are not going to understand why, but God knows why. He wants to
use every intricate event in my life (and in your life) that has happened to
me, I had to let it go! People may say, “Oh she is crazy,” or there will be the
ones in the medical field that will try and make a diagnosis. No its not
depression, it’s not anything mental, It’s a battle between spirits of good and
bad; Spiritual Warfare. See when God really wants to use you, the devil amps up
his tricks to keep you in hell on earth so that you can give up and commit
suicide or go to drugs. He doesn’t want to you to have what God promises you,
if YOU do
God’s will.
The world has forgotten about God. He is last amongst all that’s
going on. His son is being mocked and ridiculed the same way he was by the
Romans when He was taking his last walk, holding the cross, to die for us. I
hear and see people say, we are in our last days, ok if that is true, then why
aren’t you preparing yourselves for His arrival?
In the midst of what we are going through, we must remember
that we are in training. We are being groomed and shaped into the mold that God
wants us to be. Don’t miss your session, because you are worried about what the
next person is doing. God wants his soldiers to be armed and ready and bold to
stand against the enemy! You are strong enough, you can make it, don’t give up.
You are in training, you will not be perfect. In the midst of everything you
got going on in your life, you will find peace and tranquility! Be bold this
week. Do whatever your heart desires! Get the respect that you are owed. God
bless you on this beautiful Sunday.
I don't know who this woman is, but she is taking a storm over the internet....Again to pull this look off, you got to have more than confidence...anybody can get that..But you have to have joy on the inside...Work it momma..
As a voluptuous woman I am so over the stereotypes set by others that we larger women shouldn't wear certain things. Be fierce and bold....Always be confident no matter what you wear.....
Hey guys so today I was feeling a bit sassy and confidence was exuding out of my pores. I really had an outstanding day and really wasn't entertaining any negativity! This dress I believe I purchased it from Bealls. And the accessories I purchased from Target. Shoes Payless and I'm rocking my natural hair. I really didn't feel like putting weave in it! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and have a blessed week!
Today I got a chance to go out to Olive Gardens with some of my good girlfriends from nursing school. I forgot how much fun it was to be around them. I'm so proud of each and every one of them. After I went to the beach, though it was cold and wet from the rain, I just needed to feel the presence of God. Enjoy your weekend....(excuse my face, my photographer (my daughter) didn't let me know my face was all scrunched up...LOL....
I am not a fan of the cold weather, but I am ever so grateful to be in Florida right. Even the weather right now is a little bipolar, i'm still happy that i'm not up north in the heavy snow and blizzard! Here are some pieces I like for the cold season.......
Today was a rough day for me. It was an emotional day. Its the kind of day where you realize how much of an angry bird you have been to everyone. It's a day that reminds you how alone you are. It's a day that tells you, you still have so much to do and that your aim for perfection can be a long journey. Today was so full of emotional pain and physical pain which I've sustained prior.
Enough of that. Today is considered Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. day. As I rode through my town, I couldn't help but to see people out and about enjoying themselves by cooking out, selling food, watching the parade and just listening and dancing to music. I couldn't help but wonder if Dr. King would be pleased at how the world turned out. Just take a look around in your neighborhoods. What do you see?
How many of you think that the Black Lives Matter campaign was garbage? In a way I did. I mean, though i'm not out there paving the concrete about the injustices these black males put themselves in, I couldn't help but to think about the preparation process for this rally of black people that took to the streets to make white people listen to our chants. Whatever happened to being peaceful and respecting authority? Yes the police at times use excessive force, but how much of these killings would have been avoided if some of the victims would've just been quiet, not saying anything, not run, etc.
The marches that Dr. King arranged was organized, consistent and no violence. The movements that goes on today only happens if a black male gets killed by a police officer. Then the families win their suits and the boycotts stop.I hate to say it, but today's organizers of injustices don't have the endurance or the tenacity like they had back in the day.
In order for any movement to move or for black lives to really matter, we have to
go back to the basics of parenting and not having a friendship with kids. We must illustrate to our kids the true meaning of respecting their elders and respecting authority figures. I've seen children fight their parents, so how can that child that raises a hand to the person that brought them into this world have any respect for adults in the community? There is an epidemic in the black community of single young parents. These kids that are having babies come from a long line of women having babies before they graduate middle school or high school. Nowadays children in elementary are starting to give birth. In order for black live matter campaign to be a success we need to get to the daycare's and pre-Kindergarten students and teach them what their parents don't know. As a child I was abused in many ways. So when I found out that I was pregnant with my first child, I had enough common sense to go take parenting classes. Hell I had no clue about positive parenting. I made it a priority to learn as much as I could about healthy discipline and talking to my children about their behaviors and let them give me feedback about what they learned. You have to be open with your children. You can't just let your children make mistakes or speak to adults in any ole kind of way and then go get them a 400.00 X-box or 600.00 cell phone with a plan. You got to give your child a balance. Black people must talk to their children about encounters with a police officer. I talk to my 6 year old son very blunt about black relationships with police officers in general. When we go to the store or just any place I make sure he talks to the officers, so there is no fear of them. My son knows about jail and consequences. I do not give my children a slap on the wrist for bad behavior. No there are consequences for your actions. You cannot raise your children to be above the law. If you do, you are raising your children to be killed. If black lives really matter, there must have a strategic plan to really reach our youth before they get old enough to get into the streets. In order for our race to matter to any race, we must first care about our own race. Black people are some smart intelligent people, but at times we can be sellouts. Look at all the things we invented and how many of those things we still own? Why can't the black race have control over the hair care and weave industry? We will in a heartbeat support other races and celebrities that don't care two turds about us, but yet we complain about the injustices. We are the strongest buying power out there. We make these people millionaires and billionaires. Shouldn't there be more of us billionaires? This year I made a vow to be more than a talker. What about you? What can you do for black lives to really matter?
You're promoting obesity.... Happens to be the most stupidest thing I have every heard come out a certain groups mouth. There is absolutely no way a person can convince anyone the need to gain weight, unless they want to. Gaining weight happens to be an effect of genetics, DNA and how a persons body breakdown and/or processes food.
There is a lot of factors that makes a person unhealthy. What makes an overweight person stands out is that you can see the structure of their body, but is he or she unhealthy because they are on the larger side of the scale? If you believe that they are, how do you know and where is your proof?
This world is shifting into an atmosphere of hate and disrespect for mankind. I would like to meet the person who started this wave of hate and hostility towards the overweight population. There are many reports that are surfacing that shows that the certain placement of fat on someones body is actually more healthy and makes them less at risk for heart disease, diabetes, etc. For instance if you carry your weight around your belly or the upper half of your body you would be more at risk for heart disease, diabetes, strokes, etc. Lets say you are 5'10" 160lbs, you are weight proportionate, but your circumference around your belly holds the most weight, i'm sorry to tell you, you are at risk for the top three killers.
I am an overweight black female. Just by me being black puts me at risk for heart disease, diabetes, etc. Not to mention it runs in my family, but I carry my weight in my thighs and hips. If I wasn't black I wouldn't be in the category for those risk per-say, but I would have a lot of joint and mobility issues.
Everyone is not going to be a size two nor is everyone woman on the this earth supposed to be. We as women must learn to encourage and uplift one another. Majority of us have experienced some type of abuse, we make babies, we have monthly periods, we get dumped, we hurt, we love and the lists go on and on. So why not root for a woman that steps out and model? Our children are becoming the most disrespectful people. Look at their examples. We have to lead by example. I remember I was in the grocery store and this slender beautiful woman was walking by me on her phone and she gave me this look. Her son smiled at me. He was on the chubby side, but not too big. They went to the next isle and I left the isle and proceeded to go to the isle on the other side of them. As i'm going up the isle I hear the mother on the phone tell whomever she was talking to about me and how disgusting my butt looks. Lets just say I was about to toss a few cans over the shelf to bust her in her head. As I was getting ready to launch, I heard her son tell his mom that what she was saying was very rude and now she sees what the kids do to him everyday. I was so heartbroken and relieved at the same time. All of a sudden I hear her calling for him to come back. By that time i'm at the top of the isle and he was going out the door and turned around to look at his mom and he saw me. He smiled and I smiled back and told him thank you. His face turned red and tears ran down his face. Then his mother came up the isle and looked me in my face with sadness, she left her groceries and they left. Moral of the story you are not going to find many parents who gets a reality check by their children, but what you will find are parents teaching their children how to bully and disrespect adults because they are overweight. It needs to stop.
This woman in the video, Velvet D.Amour, is courageous, beautiful, and she is role model to our young girls who are trying to find someone that they can relate to. These kids that are battling obesity do not relate to Rhianna or Beyonce or Taylor Swift, if anything they are striving to be like them because that's what they think perfection is or that's what "healthy" is. We have to do better. There are hundreds of things that people do which contributes to them being unhealthy, obesity is not the only way to be unhealthy.
If you are overweight, flaunt it! Be proud of who you are! Make this year, a year of change and do something that you have never done before. If you want to model, then model. Don't let all these wannabe doctors stop you.