Now this is the time where you see who can handle what? You may have someone try to drown out their sorrows with drugs or alcohol. You may have someone check out on life. You may have someone attempt to take there own lives. You may have someone take someone else's life. Most, either wither away and go into a deep depression or they fight for what they believed in.
See I've tried A-Z!!! I decided that i'm fighting for what I believe in! You made that goal. Go back and look at your list. See what you listed, check off what you accomplished. The things you have not accomplished or failed at, go back and write down why didn't that work. Next, ask yourself "What can I do to make it work?" That's when you consult with God first. He already knows the answer, truthfully He should have been contacted first! But consult Him and don't give up. Keep pushing beyond measures, you will make it. CHANT: I will make!! (smile) You may need to look at your surroundings and see what's holding you back. Maybe your friends you had from childhood may not be measuring up to where you are trying to go. Put your faith first. You Second. Husband and Kids Third. Your Business next and everyone else.
I know must people would say no my momma or daddy is first or second. Your momma and daddy already had a good life. You cannot be nothing to yourself or your family, if you don't keep divisions out of it! Morally, yes you take care of your parents and everyone else, but you have a responsibility to God, your spouse and your children. Therefore you become first,after God. You cannot take care of anyone else until you take care of you. That's where i'm at! In so many words, Fuck everybody else!!!! I gave them all that I can give!!