Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Search Is On For A New Me

There have been many times in my life where I questioned the things that I have gone through. Being a woman that is not of average size you become a target of viscous and insulting members of society. I've been the target on several of my jobs and I've asked myself over and over the question that is uttered probably on many peoples lips that are targeted; What's wrong with me? 
I'm not understanding this shift that has taken place in the world. I didn't get the memo that we were all supposed to be the same. You would think God intended for us to have some diversity, because he made us all different. Who became the judge and the jury that told us that we should all look like the females that are portrayed on the screens. We are not giving our children the space they need so that they can find out who they are and for them to see that their differences is what makes them beautiful. I'm on a different journey in my life... Search is on for me to find out, Who Am I?