Tuesday, January 12, 2016

You're Promoting Obesity

You're promoting obesity.... Happens to be the most stupidest thing I have every heard come out a certain groups mouth. There is absolutely no way a person can convince anyone the need to gain weight, unless they want to. Gaining weight happens to be an effect of genetics, DNA and how a persons body breakdown and/or processes food.
There is a lot of factors that makes a person unhealthy. What makes an overweight person stands out is that you can see the structure of their body, but is he or she unhealthy because they are on the larger side of the scale? If you believe that they are, how do you know and where is your proof?
This world is shifting into an atmosphere of hate and disrespect for mankind. I would like to meet the person who started this wave of hate and hostility towards the overweight population. There are many reports that are surfacing that shows that the certain placement of fat on someones body is actually more healthy and makes them less at risk for heart disease, diabetes, etc. For instance if you carry your weight around your belly or the upper half of your body you would be more at risk for heart disease, diabetes, strokes, etc. Lets say you are 5'10" 160lbs, you are weight proportionate, but your circumference around your belly holds the most weight, i'm sorry to tell you, you are at risk for the top three killers.
I am an overweight black female. Just by me being black puts me at risk for heart disease, diabetes, etc. Not to mention it runs in my family, but I carry my weight in my thighs and hips. If I wasn't black I wouldn't be in the category for those risk per-say, but I would have a lot of joint and mobility issues.
Everyone is not going to be a size two nor is everyone woman on the this earth supposed to be. We as women must learn to encourage and uplift one another. Majority of us have experienced some type of abuse, we make babies, we have monthly periods, we get dumped, we hurt, we love and the lists go on and on. So why not root for a woman that steps out and model? Our children are becoming the most disrespectful people. Look at their examples. We have to lead by example. I remember I was in the grocery store and this slender beautiful woman was walking by me on her phone and she gave me this look. Her son smiled at me. He was on the chubby side, but not too big. They went to the next isle and I left the isle and proceeded to go to the isle on the other side of them. As i'm going up the isle I hear the mother on the phone tell whomever she was talking to about me and how disgusting my butt looks. Lets just say I was about to toss a few cans over the shelf to bust her in her head. As I was getting ready to launch, I heard her son tell his mom that what she was saying was very rude and now she sees what the kids do to him everyday. I was so heartbroken and relieved at the same time. All of a sudden I hear her calling for him to come back. By that time i'm at the top of the isle and he was going out the door and turned around to look at his mom and he saw me. He smiled and I smiled back and told him thank you. His face turned red and tears ran down his face. Then his mother came up the isle and looked me in my face with sadness, she left her groceries and they left. Moral of the story you are not going to find many parents who gets a reality check by their children, but what you will find are parents teaching their children how to bully and disrespect adults because they are overweight. It needs to stop.
This woman in the video, Velvet D.Amour, is courageous, beautiful, and she is role model to our young girls who are trying to find someone that they can relate to. These kids that are battling obesity do not relate to Rhianna or Beyonce or Taylor Swift, if anything they are striving to be like them because that's what they think perfection is or that's what "healthy" is. We have to do better. There are hundreds of things that people do which contributes to them being unhealthy, obesity is not the only way to be unhealthy.
If you are overweight, flaunt it! Be proud of who you are! Make this year, a year of change and do something that you have never done before. If you want to model, then model. Don't let all these wannabe doctors stop you.