“BOLD!” Do something you have never done or wear something
you have never worn. God created us to be bold and fierce; He did not create us
to be stagnant or fearful. Last week was a hell of a week for me. I aired out
my dirty laundry on Facebook. I mean from the rootie to the tootie! I was on
the verge of giving up, But God stepped in! Instantly! And told me that I am
now free! People are not going to understand why, but God knows why. He wants to
use every intricate event in my life (and in your life) that has happened to
me, I had to let it go! People may say, “Oh she is crazy,” or there will be the
ones in the medical field that will try and make a diagnosis. No its not
depression, it’s not anything mental, It’s a battle between spirits of good and
bad; Spiritual Warfare. See when God really wants to use you, the devil amps up
his tricks to keep you in hell on earth so that you can give up and commit
suicide or go to drugs. He doesn’t want to you to have what God promises you,
if YOU do
God’s will.
God’s will.
The world has forgotten about God. He is last amongst all that’s
going on. His son is being mocked and ridiculed the same way he was by the
Romans when He was taking his last walk, holding the cross, to die for us. I
hear and see people say, we are in our last days, ok if that is true, then why
aren’t you preparing yourselves for His arrival?
In the midst of what we are going through, we must remember
that we are in training. We are being groomed and shaped into the mold that God
wants us to be. Don’t miss your session, because you are worried about what the
next person is doing. God wants his soldiers to be armed and ready and bold to
stand against the enemy! You are strong enough, you can make it, don’t give up.
You are in training, you will not be perfect. In the midst of everything you
got going on in your life, you will find peace and tranquility! Be bold this
week. Do whatever your heart desires! Get the respect that you are owed. God
bless you on this beautiful Sunday.