Sunday, October 14, 2018

To be Fat Shamed or Not to Be That's the MF'ing Question

Image result for Fat shaming

What I am about to say may be come across as harsh or rude. In a nut shell, I don't give a hoot! What exactly is "Fat Shaming?" Cambridge Dictionary says "making someone feel embarrassed or ashamed about being fat by publicly criticizing or drawing attention to it." So here's a scenario: basically I'm having one of my good days and here comes some jerk behind me acknowledging to me that i'm severely obese. As if I did not see that I was just that morning. He then starts to rant or record with his camera phone while laughing and posts it to his social media account to get all of his friends to also poke fun and laugh at his disgust of how I look. Right?

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 So everyone is having a blast making up fat jokes right? But guess what I don't see it, so why is it my business what idiots do in their spare time? Fat shaming to me is a term that people use when they feel bad about themselves and how they look. Like "job shamers" are just jerks who poke fun at people who make less money than them.

Here is the scoop, It's not fat shamming if you are not ashamed of your body. Learn to pick your battles. Fuck what other people say and what they think of you. Everybody deals with some sort of battle. If being skinny was the shit, why are sooo many of them dying with fat related illnesses? I'll tell you why, They skinny as hell on the outside, but their insides are obese as fuck! They commonly say "Oh i'm skinny, I can eat whatever I want and not gain." Bullshit, let me tell you what your ass is gaining, diabetes, clogged arteries, heart failure, heart attacks, poor oxygenated blood because of all that sludge in your damn veins! You are a ticking time bomb too!

 Oh don't think just because you eat kale and organic shit and low carbs and exercise 12 hours a week that its a good thing. Your body is a science and each person's body need certain things and if it doesn't get them it starts to borrow. Or if it gets too much of something and doesn't excrete it out of your system it becomes toxicity or acidic! An acidic body brings cancers and other illnesses! You need certain things to thrive and live longer. So no being skinny just appeals the eye. Just like us you cannot eat everything or exclude from everything you eat. So being skinny is not the business boo boo! Why are some of them the worst daters? Or why are some of them seeking love and are single? Why are they the most unhappy people at times? You skinny, you should be yelling from the top of the mountains how great you are or how great it is to be skinny! Being skinny does not exclude you from lookers, bullies, haters, abuse, car accidents, bullets, etc. You aren't excluded from diabetes, heart disease, cancers, etc. No one can look at an obese person and say "you are going to die in 2 days from an heart attack." No i'm not saying do not strive for longevity, yes you want to stay healthy or get healthy, however nothing is promised. The good Creator upstairs already knows when your time is ending and how long you will be on this earth.

Now there are somethings, in my opinion, that we do, that have consequences linked to them, that will cause us to prematurely die before our time, so we have to get in a mindset that's in the direction of being healthy all together. Did you know that you can improve you life expectancy just by adding a 30 minute walk? If you can't walk that long, then do some legs lifts in a chair. Get to YouTube for some free exercises to do in your home. (see) Basically get your ass moving for 30 minutes or more a day! What that does it improves the circulation in your upper and lower extremities, get that Heart regulated and getting more oxygenated blood that our organs so desperately needs. (see ex. Article) Plus it improves mentally health. Eat more veges and proteins, basically a more balanced diet.

Also use a damn condom! AIDS is wiping us out! I screwed up a few and had sex without a condom and trust me I panic for months taking tests. That damn Hennessy!! LOL Know who you have in your life and always be in tune with your surroundings. Death can happen many ways. What i'm saying is live your life!  Always seek happiness. No one is perfect. Throw the whole term "Fat Shaming" away. There is nothing wrong with you boo! LIVE and LET LIVE!! We have to end this bullying. Our children are taking their lives and not living because of the bullshit they see us do.