Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Faith and Freedom.....Mood tonight

It's a wonderful thing to be totally Free from brokenness, fear, neglect, abuse, bondage.....When my dad died I became lost....I didn't know what direction I was going in....I mentally shut down....Everything around me was dysfunctional...Let me tell you My Heavenly Father reached down and used the very person who did the most horrible things to me...This girl reached me when I was at a pivotal point in my life where nothing else mattered...She was there when people who was close to me left me when I needed "Support"..... How many of you know that God will use the very thing that brought harm and hell to you to bring you out of your own darkness..... I'm sooo grateful that I looked passed my own anger and my own hell and I was able to see what God was doing for me....I trust Him more than ever...I'm not perfect and I would never claim I am...But i'm truly grateful each and everyday.....Be Free tonight......Good night!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Actress Adriana Campos RIH

Adriana with her son
Death is a tragic thing. You just don't know when it's your time to go. It is always important to make things right with family you don't talk to, even friendships you have ended, or you may just be angry with a neighbor. Death can be so quick that you may don't even have time to make it right with God. The best thing about God, He is not asking for perfection, just someone that believes in him. This woman didn't die alone, she died with her husband and they left a 1 year old baby boy behind. Let your kids know that you love them and support them through everything. Give your children good memories, so that they can have something to hold onto when 
it's your time to pass away...RIP Adriana and her husband

Working With Curves

Ok, so this is me...One thing about me I love fashion...I love to put clothing together that most people my size will try to cover up. I mean like, why are you covering? Seriously! Be you.. As you can see I got my flip flops on..LOL... True Florida Chick..I will rock these bad boys all year round if I could...I have heels, but I prefer comfort..Now on a date or something of course it's heels..

The Search Is On For A New Me

There have been many times in my life where I questioned the things that I have gone through. Being a woman that is not of average size you become a target of viscous and insulting members of society. I've been the target on several of my jobs and I've asked myself over and over the question that is uttered probably on many peoples lips that are targeted; What's wrong with me? 
I'm not understanding this shift that has taken place in the world. I didn't get the memo that we were all supposed to be the same. You would think God intended for us to have some diversity, because he made us all different. Who became the judge and the jury that told us that we should all look like the females that are portrayed on the screens. We are not giving our children the space they need so that they can find out who they are and for them to see that their differences is what makes them beautiful. I'm on a different journey in my life... Search is on for me to find out, Who Am I?